tops down - bottoms up

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bugs...they are everywhere

So there I was...trying to conserve energy. Instead of cranking up the air conditioner in my tin can of a home, I opened my window - the window without the screen (we're all about safety here). After a few hours, I decided my brain had shut down and it was time for bed. It was then I room had been overcome with ... BUGS ... see these cute little bugs. They can't hurt anyone - YES THEY CAN. Take the green bug on the right bottom, put it on crack and steroids for approximately three weeks and you will have an idea of the bugs that invaded my poor living space. I hate bugs. They are one of the few things that creep me out and make me want to cry and sing showtunes while curled in a ball under my desk. So...I drowned a few of them while they were alive. Sweet justice. The others suffered the wrath of one of my black and white wedge sandals.

See if I conserve energy anymore. Maybe it's time to put the screen back in my window.

On to a happier note.

This is Nobilo Icon - Savignon Blanc - an extremely good wine. We sampled it at wine club last night and it's worth the $17 price tag. Smooth, rich, and a sweet citrus flavor. A new favorite.


  • Ick to bugs.
    Yay for wine. I've been trying to find some good ones without having to buy a whole bottle to try it, you know?

    By Blogger Micah, at 3:15 PM  

  • Try any red from Blackstone winery. If you like white wine, try Yellowtail. Those two wineries are good, but not overly expensive. Also, Nobilo has a cheaper Sauvignon Blanc that is also very very good.

    By Blogger krysta jo, at 3:50 PM  

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